Organised by the Waverley Music Eisteddfod Inc. Committee
2025 Festival Dates:
Solos: 2 - 22 August 2025
Venues: St John's Uniting Church and Salvation Army Waverley Temple
Ensembles Day: Saturday 9 August 2025
Choral Day: Monday 11 August 2025
Venue: Salvation Army Waverley Temple
Entries open 21 April and close 8 June 2025
Piano Accomanists
Official Accompanists for 2024

Official Accompanist for
Brass Solos B01-B04
Ms Alison Conrau
M: 0418 514 876

Official Accompanist for
Mini Recitals N04-N06
Ms Melanie Lee
M: 0412 664 044

Official Accompanist for String Solos S01-S07
Mr William Schmidt
M: 0478 757 933

Official Accompanist for
Woodwind Solos W01-W05 & Woodwind & Brass W06-W07
Ms Anne Lewitzka
P: 9808 2173, M: 0455 848 209
The Monash Youth Music Festival makes it easy for you to perform with a professional piano accompanist!
We provide a free professional Accompanist for your solo vocal or instrumental performance so you don't have to book your own on your performance day. This service is included in your entry fee.
All you need to do is click " Use Official " in STARDOM, and then contact the Accompanist. (WHY?).
You can return to STARDOM at any time to check the box, but ensure you do so NO LATER THAN 2 WEEKS BEFORE THE FESTIVAL AND ALWAYS CONTACT THE ACCOMPANIST.
You can use your own accompanist if you prefer, or you can perform unaccompanied, provided the music you select was written specifically to be performed as a solo (without accompaniment). If the music you select requires accompaniment, then the adjudicator may penalise your performance if you perform without an accompanist. Most soloists choose to perform with an accompanist.
Pre-recorded backing music is not permitted in any sections. Amplified instruments are not permitted in any solo sections.
If you want to use your own accompanist, simply type their name into the accompanist field in Stardom as per the example image.
This year we are unable to offer an official accompanist for the VCE Music Recital section.
If you need an accompanist for your performance, you are more than welcome to contact any of our Accompanists above. All are very fine performing artists and experienced accompanists. Please ensure that you arrange a rehearsal with them, and inform them of the correct venue and address of your performance, as all solo sections are held at Huntingtower School!

If you plan to use our Official Accompanist, contact them as soon as possible to arrange a rehearsal, which is at your expense.
Please note that rehearsals are NOT included in your entry fee, but are well worth the cost.
Even a single rehearsal is beneficial to sort out phrasing, tempo and other details, and gives your performance greater musicality. Best of all, you will be far more prepared and relaxed for your performance.
Please contact the Official Accompanist no later than 2 weeks before your performance day.
If, for whatever reason you are unable to arrange a rehearsal time, then please send a copy of the accompaniment sheet music to the Accompanist as soon as possible and no later than 2 weeks before the Festival so that the Accompanist has time to read over your music and prepare.
Please do not wait until your performance day to ask the Official Accompanist to accompany you and expect them to sight-read your music. This is disrespectful to them, and they reserve the right to refuse you.

Why contact the Accompanist beforehand?
1. COURTESY. It is not acceptable to present your music to the Accompanist on the day of performance without asking them beforehand. You would never perform in public without preparation, and neither would your Accompanist! All you need to do is contact your Accompanist and provide them with your sheet music two weeks before the day.
2. IT'S IN THE RULES. Rule 9 states that "Entrants requiring the Official Accompanist must make contact and supply sheet music at least 2 weeks prior to the Festival. The Accompanist reserves the right to decline to accompany if this condition is not met." Yes, that's right. The Accompanist is entitled to say NO to accompanying you if they hadn't heard from you before.
3. TO ORGANISE A REHEARSAL. As mentioned above, a rehearsal is essential to ensure a smooth performance for your benefit. The Accompanist can also offer extremely useful advice to help you achieve a more polished performance.
On your Performance Day
Please bring copies of your music on your performance day:
one for the Adjudicator with bars clearly numbered at the beginning of each system
one for the Accompanist (even if you have already sent a copy) , and
the original publication for you (unless you are playing from memory)

What do we mean by "accompaniment sheet music"?
This is the sheet music the piano accompanist needs to read in order to accompany you. The accompaniment sheet music is usually a separate supplement that comes with a soloist's music book.
Your music teacher may have a copy of the accompaniment sheet music specially for the music you are learning, so talk to your music teacher if you can't find it or are not sure.
You can recognise the accompaniment sheet music by the fact that there are (usually) three lines of music, one for the soloist, and two for the pianist (often) with a treble clef and a bass clef.
Please note that the Committee does not provide sheet music. You must find your own or ask your music teacher.