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Please read the RULES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY carefully before you enter our Festival, because by entering, YOU AGREE to comply with ALL the Rules and Conditions throughout the Festival.


1. Go to ⭐Stardom

Stardom User Login.png

If you are registering for the first time, you must wait until you get an email confirmation!

2. Go to ⭐Stardom and log in.

3. Create a new entry

Create New Entry.png

4. Scroll down until you see this Festival!

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1. 點擊 日程 (在右邊) 以查看您要輸入的部分。您可以輸入的部分數量沒有限制。閱讀我們的附表中的規則和入境條件


2.當條目打開時,轉到 星域 註冊。選擇你想要的學科,然後選擇你想要進入的部分。用信用卡支付。 [有關其他付款方式,請參見下文。]


3. 等待您的出庭通知確認日期和時間以及任何說明。  


4. 如果您使用我們的官方伴奏,請至少在音樂節前 2 週聯繫 並確保他們有正確的伴奏樂譜。根據需要與他們一起組織排練(注意:排練不包括在您的報名費中。)更多詳情請點擊此處

5.節日前兩週,返回 明星 並檢查您的條目以確保您擁有想要演奏的曲目的正確標題和作曲家。


6. 帶著您的樂譜副本到達音樂節登記台,並附上小節編號。




7. 如果您已經通過STARDOM 或TRYBOOKING 預購了節日節目,請攜帶您的發票或門票給節目銷售商以換取節日節目。

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If you wish to use your own accompanist, please type the name of your accompanist in the empty field

7. Await your Notice of Appearance for confirmation of date and time and any instructions. 

8. Go back into Stardom before the Festival, and check your entry to ensure you have the correct Title and Composer of the piece you wish to play. You may change the Title and Composer as many times you like at any time but no later than 2 weeks before you perform.

You can also add the Official Accompanist if your usual accompanist is unavailable, but please make sure you contact him or her no later than 2 weeks before you perform.


最簡單的支付方式是在STARDOM 上註冊時使用信用卡。 也是我們司庫的首選方式!您通過電子郵件收到付款的即時確認,您可以使用發票作為您輸入的所有學科和部分的記錄。



規則編號 15.除非部分被取消,否則報名費不予退還。


Schools only: Payment by Direct Debit 

Account Name: Waverley Music Eisteddfod Inc
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 130830052
Financial Institution: Community Bank Pinewood

Please use the WME invoice number as your payment reference.

Once you have paid, please make a screen capture of your payment and email to our Treasurer at: so we can mark your Stardom invoice as PAID.


When you pay by EFT, your payment bypasses Stardom, so Stardom doesn't know you have paid your entry! When we receive your screen capture, we log into STARDOM to change your entry from UNPAID to PAID. 

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We are very proud to be associated with, and supported by, the following generous sponsors

Community Bank Pinewood White_Logo_-_JPG (7).jpg
Website Lions Club Of Waverley.png
Music Time Logo.png
Website Mount Waverley Rotary.jpg
Mazenod Logo RGB Horizontal.png

John & Bonnie Wise

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Pat Morgan 

Music Studio Eltham

Pat Morgan Music Studio Eltham.png
Grilld logo round.png
Website Huntingtower School.png

Our Piano Supplier 

Bernies Music Land is the provider of our beautiful pianos, offering our entrants a true concert experience. Bernie's vast knowledge and expertise with grand pianos, and his support of our young musicians is always deeply appreciated.

Bernies LOGO.png
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