Organised by the Waverley Music Eisteddfod Inc. Committee
2025 Festival Dates:
Solos: 2 - 22 August 2025
Venues: St John's Uniting Church and Salvation Army Waverley Temple
Ensembles Day: Saturday 9 August 2025
Choral Day: Monday 11 August 2025
Venue: Salvation Army Waverley Temple
Entries open 21 April and close 8 June 2025
Handy Hints
這裡有一些有用的建議,由資深的 Eisteddfod 與會者和觀察員撰寫,涵蓋以下主題:

不要給人一種你寧願玩滑板的印象——沒有人喜歡看 看起來好像他們寧願在別處的人。
在單人比賽中,我們希望你兩次鞠躬-一次 在您表演之前(在主持人介紹您之後),以及一次之後。
保持簡單:腰部向前彎曲,頭向下,雙臂放在身體兩側。持弓2 – 3 秒;事實上,只要想到“謝謝你今天來”這句話就足夠了。直起身子時保持微笑,然後步行到您將要表演的地方。
首先,每個人都會偶爾吃點東西,所以放輕鬆!這只是 Eisteddfod ,而不是 EXAM ,因此如果事情沒有完全按計劃進行,則不會產生任何後果。
如果您在前幾個小節內絆倒,請停下來,冷靜下來,微笑並重新開始。微笑 放鬆面部肌肉,這反過來又放鬆了你的其餘部分!
如果您在表演中途跌跌撞撞,請繼續前進,並專注於保持脈搏穩定。觀眾可能不會注意到,裁判員甚至可能會注意到您的恢復情況。如果他們有點興奮,每個人都傾向於匆忙,所以保持速度穩定 - 不要加速!保持比您認為應該保持的速度稍慢的速度 - 緊張會使您起步太快,並且很難保持這種速度。稍慢的速度讓您有更多時間來正確處理細節。
在 Eisteddfod 之前,如果您有機會在與平常不同的地方練習,那就去吧!假設您已經在 Eisteddfod 表演,這樣在重要的日子裡您就不會感到不知所措。
此外,在您的作品中途或在您的作品中的不同點開始練習 - 一個人傾向於從頭到尾練習,但在表演中,即使是一個小小的絆腳石也可能使您足以讓您忘記接下來會發生什麼!
記住 - 它只是一個 Eisteddfod , 不是考試,所以把它看作是一個很好的機會,可以向更多的人表演你一直在練習的那些美麗的作品,而不僅僅是考官!
審裁官發表有見地和鼓舞人心的演講 在關於他或她聽過的曲目的部分的末尾,並就如何進一步提高表演質量提供了出色且通常非常出色的建議。通常特定的表演會被挑選出來並被談論,因為它有一些特別之處(也許是你的),即使參與者沒有獲獎。
你可以拿起你的評審員的評論表。 這些表格對於獲得關於您的表現的客觀和令人鼓舞的評論非常寶貴。每個表演者都會得到一張暴擊表,所以提前離開意味著你不能把你的帶回家。在一天結束時,未收集的爆擊表可能會放錯地方,或者其他人可能會撿起您的。
如果您不在附近領取獎品,您將不知道您是否贏得了某種獎品! 過去,裁判官宣布獲獎者的情況有很多,而且大部分都已經回家了。這對裁判和組織者來說是一種非常悲傷和尷尬的情況,也是對參賽者的傲慢和不尊重。
蒙納士青年音樂節評委本身就是備受尊敬的音樂家,讓他們聆聽您的演講是我的榮幸。 所以如果可以的話,請堅持到最後!

What do I do if I stuff up?
Firstly, everyone stuffs up occasionally, so relax! This is only an Eisteddfod, NOT AN EXAM, so there are no consequences if things don't quite go to plan.
If you trip up within the first few bars, just stop, calm down, SMILE and start again. Smiling relaxes the facial muscles, which in turn relaxes the rest of you!
If you stumble midway through your performance, just keep going, and focus on keeping the pulse steady. Chances are that the audience won't notice, and the Adjudicator may even note how well you recover. Everyone tends to rush if they are a little excited, so keep that pace steady - don't speed up! Maintain a slightly slower pace than you think you should be at -nerves can make you start too fast, and it is difficult to maintain that speed. A slightly slower pace gives you more time to get the details right.
Before the Eisteddfod, if you have the opportunity to practise in a different location from your usual one, do so! Pretend you are already performing in the Eisteddfod, so on the big day you don't feel overwhelmed.
Also, practise starting half way through your piece or at different points in your piece - one tends to practise from beginning to end, but in a performance even a small stumble may throw you sufficiently to make you forget what comes next!
Remember - it is only an Eisteddfod, not an exam, so think of it as a lovely opportunity to perform those beautiful pieces you have been practising to more people than just an examiner!
Do I bow? When and how?
In solo competitions, you are expected to bow TWICE - once BEFORE you perform (straight after the Compere has introduced you), and once AFTER.
When the Compere introduces you, walk to the perfomance area and turn to face the audience. SMILE and BOW.
Keep it simple: bend forward at the waist with your head down, and your arms down by your sides. Hold your bow for 2 – 3 seconds; in fact, long enough to think the words, “Thank you for coming today”. Keep smiling as you straighten up, then walk to where you will be performing.
At the end, regardless of how you performed, stand up, SMILE at the audience and bow as before – long enough to think the words, “Thank you for listening”. Enjoy the clapping, and then exit with a smile. You should feel proud – after all, you have performed your piece in public, and that is definitely something to be proud of.
Click the image on the right to see how to bow with an instrument in your hand.

What do I do after I have finished?
After you have performed and bowed to the audience, take a seat in the audience. But performers sometimes ask: Do I have to stay until the end? Should I stay or can I go?
The right thing to do is stay until the end of the section!
There are several good reasons for staying until the end, apart from good manners.
The Adjudicator gives an insightful and inspirational speech at the end of the section about the pieces he or she has listened to, and gives excellent and often quite brilliant advice about how to further enhance the quality of the performances. Often particular performances are singled out and spoken about because there was something special about it (yours, perhaps), even if the participant didn't win a prize.
You can pick up your Adjudicator's critique sheet. These sheets are invaluable for getting objective and encouraging remarks about your performance. Every performer gets a crit sheet, so leaving early means you don't get to take yours home. At the end of the day uncollected crit sheets can be misplaced or someone else might pick yours up.
You won't know if you have won a prize of some sort if you are not around to receive it! There have been many occasions in the past when the Adjudicator had announced the prize winners, and most of them had gone home. This is a very sad and embarrassing situation for the Adjudicator and organisers, and is arrogant and disrespectful of the competitor.
The Monash Youth Music Festival Adjudicators are highly respected musicians in their own right, and it is an honour and privilege for you to have them watch and listen to your performance. So please stay until the end, if you can, to listen to what they say.

確保您選擇的所有音樂 來自 您擁有或屬於公共領域的原創、已發布的樂譜。
你的複印件 樂譜 是 僅供裁判員和/或伴奏者使用。這些副本不會退還給您,但會退還給您 比賽結束後按照著作權條例銷毀,請不要要求退還您的複印件。